Boat cleaning services in province of Málaga

Boat cleaning in all cities of the Málaga province

Cleaning services for all types of boats in Málaga province

Boat or Yacht needs an efficient cleaning?

General, upholstery (interior & exterior) and mattress cleaning

Unbelievable results

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How to Book a Service with Us?
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1. Contact

Message us on WhatsApp with a photo or details. More units, greater discount! +34 611 555 666 messaging only is available.

2. Offer

You can expect to receive a special offer from our sales team shortly after your inquiry is submitted.

3. Date & Time

Upon accepting the offer, Senior Manager Leo will send you the availability.

4. Confirmation

Confirm the time. Payment will be made after the service is completed.

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Precios Limitados de Agosto 2024
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La Elección Predilecta de Limpieza:

En, nuestro enfoque para la limpieza es revolucionario en la industria. Utilizamos exclusivamente equipos avanzados de extracción de limpieza que integran agua y detergente. Esta tecnología de vanguardia es esencial para abordar manchas persistentes, olores y hasta ácaros, ofreciendo una experiencia de limpieza completa que va más allá del tratamiento superficial. Nuestro compromiso con estos métodos avanzados asegura que podamos abordar incluso las tareas de limpieza más desafiantes con facilidad y eficiencia.

Nuestro uso de herramientas de limpieza de grado profesional, incluyendo aspiradoras, generadores de vapor y otros aparatos avanzados, nos distingue de los servicios de limpieza convencionales. Estas herramientas son fundamentales para nuestra capacidad de abordar desafíos complejos de limpieza que el equipo doméstico estándar simplemente no puede manejar. Este equipo especializado, combinado con nuestra experiencia en el uso de agentes de limpieza hipoalergénicos y efectivos, garantiza un nivel de limpieza e higiene sin igual en la industria.

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Why furniture, rugs or mattresses need a professional cleaning?

It is very import to perform the professional chair, armchair cleaning service in the province of Málaga. Comfort life in Spain, especially on the coast, has its price. If you want to keep you furniture, rugs and mattresses in a perfect condition, you should perform a professional cleaning regularly. As you can imagine, there are different factors that contaminate the surface and material of the furniture.

Organic and typical stains

Furniture, rugs and mattresses are exposed to organic stains, like sweat and blood; sun cream; paint; organic microparticles and other types of stains. All this provides ideal breeding conditions for dust mites. These micro-organisms multiply to an incredible degree. Up to 1 million of them can be present in a square meter. As you might know dust mites contribute to allergies and various skin diseases.

Environmental factors

Besides the typical stains furniture, rugs and mattresses are always exposed to humidity, salt and sands from Morocco. Consequently, this causes the upholstery to chafe, dull and eventually tear.

How often is it recommended to perform the cleaning?

To keep your furniture, rugs and mattresses in the perfect conditions, we recommend to perform a professional cleaning  once or twice a year. This depends on the type, size and material of each unit.

As a general practise sofas, chairs, rugs and mattresses need a professional cleaning twice a year to keep them in the same condition as on the day of purchase. Using domestic equipment or detergents will help to hide stains but not to remove them. Moreover, performing such actions can damage a material. Therefore, the only solution is to use a professional company

For example, mattress, due to its material, “hates” stains, especially organic ones. If one of organic stain (you will see typically a yellow colour) is not cleaned within next several weeks/months (depends on a material of a mattress), it will be impossible to get rid of it completely. However, our team will make sure every single bacteria is out thanks to the experience, professional approach and equipment that we use. Therefore, the perfect way to protect your mattress is to clean it at least twice a year.


In periods of seasonal moulting, a large amount of hair adheres to the upholstery, and the furniture loses its attractive appearance. Actually, it may be difficult to remove the hair using local remedies. In this case it is recommended to perform a cleaning 3-4 times a year.


Every child loves to draw, model with plasticine and make applications. To avoid damaging your sofa/chair/rug/mattress it is recommended to perform a cleaning 3-4 times a year.

If you do not perform a cleaning on a regular basis, your furniture, rugs and mattresses will be getting dirtier and dirtier. At some point it will be impossible to clean it and return its shine.

Where and how do you perform the cleaning?

Specialist of performs a cleaning at your property. We only need access to any socket and hot water (for detergents). 

Above on this page you can see a step-by-step process on how we perform the cleaning. Only the specific approach used based on our experience of 7 years. We use only high quality equipment and detergents to perform excellent results.

We can guarantee, you will be 100% satisfied with the results. With the experience of more than 7 years team of always takes each cleaning case professionally to keep perfect results.

You can simply contact us for a quote or use our Cleaning Price Calculator. Our manager is always available for you. Call or WhatsApp us +34611744733 or use our e-mail

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